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Mindful Writing Retreat


15-16 août 2024


Muriel Brutin, Unil


Erzsebet Strausz, Central European University


The goal of this residential retreat is to offer a space where we can pursue writing in a peaceful and supportive setting, where we can put on pause the other forms of labor that tend to get in the way of our writing, such as administrative tasks, teaching, and/or care labor. The aim is not only to offer a physical space in which we can write, but also to offer a space for collective reflection and mutual support surrounding writing, and gentle ways to help us approach writing as a practice and a process rather than purely as a product. To further the disconnection from daily distractions, the retreat will offer a number of both guided writing sessions and more free writing sessions, along with a number of conversation sessions. The schedule will include the following types of sessions: Guided writing sessions. These sessions use mindfulness techniques and contemplative pedagogy to explore writing not only as an academic skill but also as a source of creative expression and communication; Free writing session (with an opening mindfulness exercise); Individual consultations with the guest professors; Discussion: specific issues you have with writing right now; Working through writing blocks and procrastination with mindfulness practices; Mindful listening exercise; Narrative writing exercise: place, object, person; Collective reflection on writing. After the success of the 2-day 2021 edition and the 3-day 2022 edition of «Mindful Writing / Writing and Meditation Retreat» organized within the context of the Geography CUSO, I would like to offer this writing retreat again in 2024 in the context of the Gender CUSO. Like for the 2022 edition, I would like to propose a 3 day version of the retreat, as the past two editions demonstrated that such a format is really helpful to create a collegiate and supportive atmosphere and gives people enough time to be able to really immerse themselves into their writing process


Mindful writing retreat – Provisional program




Day 1




9h-10h Arrival




10h-10h45 Welcome, introduction, round of introductions of participants, setting intentions




10h45-11h Break




11h-12h20 Guided writing session




12h20-12h30 Write down one concrete problem you have with writing or related to your project




12h30-13h30 Lunch




14h00-16h00 Free writing session (with opening mindfulness exercise) 


14h20-16h00 Individual sessions with Erzsebet Strausz (5 x 20 mins)




16h-16h30 Break




16h30-18h00 Discussion on issues related to writing (writing habits; writing style and technique, specific issues you have at the moment) and harvesting insights




18h-18h45 Free time (optional: walk in the park around Crêt Bérard)




18h45-20h Dinner




20h-21h40 Free time / individual sessions with Erzsebet Strausz (5 x 20 minute sessions)



Day 2




8h-9h Breakfast




9h-10h30 Mindful listening exercise (45 min) + free writing session (45 min) 




10h30-11h Break




11h-12h30 Working through writing blocks and procrastination




12h30-13h30 Lunch




13h30-14h45 Free writing session with opening mindfulness exercise


13h45-14h45 Individual consultations with Erzsebe Strausz (3 x 20 mins)




14h45 - 15h Short break




15h – 16h Collective reflection on writing




16h15 Departure







Crêt-Bérard, Puidoux



Délai d'inscription 14.07.2024
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