
Caste and gender inequalities: Policy and Dalit women in Maharashtra, India

Auteur Swati KAMBLE
Directeur /trice Prof. Michele Oris
Co-directeur(s) /trice(s)
Résumé de la thèse

Main objective is to study how inequalities of caste and gender are addressed in policy-making and implementation in the Indian state of Maharashtra. Stemming from this objective, our main research question is how are policies formulated and implemented in the state of Maharashtra? In order to understand the process and embedded inequality, analytical framework of Intersectionality will be employed. The research methodology will be qualitative in nature. Desk research will be used primarily for intersectional analysis of policy scripts. To substantiate the analysis, semi structured interview method will be employed to collect data relevant for study. Interviews with various stakeholders involved in the process of policy making and implementation, policy analysis and advocacy like representatives of relevant governmental institutions and Dalit women activists will form a substantial part of this research, as will interviews with policy experts and participant observation in selected policy-making institutions. This will be complemented by a gender and caste-sensitive analysis of relevant state-level policies and their implementation in the fields of Education, Employment, Housing, Health, and Political Participation and in particular with regard to the ‘Maharashtra State’s Women Policy’ and ‘The Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan’. The ultimate objective of this research is to stay out from a blind policy approach and to propose more inclusive policies of poverty reduction that explicitly deal with caste and gender inequalities.

Délai administratif de soutenance de thèse 2